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Version vom 27. Februar 2010, 20:48 Uhr von (Diskussion) (Kate Gosselin: Will She be on Danceing with the Stars?)
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Wow Check out this rumor.....

   ABC will announce Monday that TLC reality star Kate Gosselin will be one of the hoofers on the next round of “Dancing With the Stars,” according to a source with knowledge of the situation.
   At press time, the deal was virtually done for the now-divorced mother of eight to become one of the celebrities vying for the cheesetastic Mirrored Disco Ball.
   This will be the fulfillment of a dream for Gosselin who, on Jay Leno’s ill-fated prime-time show, said she’d like to be on “Stars” because she can’t dance. “I want to laugh at myself,” Gosselin told Leno. “I so cannot dance.”

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