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Parameter | include = {template} makes some problems, when Wiki-syntax like {{template|foo}} is nested within <nowiki> or <pre>-tags on matching pages:

No problems with parameter | uses:

quick&dirty bug fix:[<small>bearbeiten</small>]

Throw away <nowiki> or <pre>-tags the way <!-- html-comments --> are deleted. Change line 515ff of DynamicPageListInclude.php to:

/* get text and throw away html comments, nowiki-, pre-, and includeonly-tags */
$text = preg_replace('/<!--.*?-->/s','',$parser->fetchTemplate($title));
$text = preg_replace('/<nowiki>.*?<\/nowiki>/s','',$text);
$text = preg_replace('/<pre>.*?<\/pre>/s','',$text);
$text = preg_replace('/<includeonly>.*?<\/includeonly>/s','',$text);

Works fine in my local MediaWiki, but maybe there is a better way to find template-calls than via matching regular expressions --WiMu 11:50, 5. Jul. 2010 (NNZ)

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