Frage:Is there anybody out there?
Diese Frage lässt sich mit Blick auf die (X)HTML-Spezifikationen mit einem klaren 'Ja' beantworten. Jede HTML Seite hat zur Darstellung des sichtbaren Textinhaltes einen Body...
But Atreju, due to this case there is anybody IN there, isn't it? So you can answer the question with NO, cause the body isn't out, is it?[<small>bearbeiten</small>]
Stupid question. If there is NOBODY, NOBODY can answer. If there is anybody anybody can answer. But: If there is somebody you are wating all your life for an answer, because to whom is this question addressed? And what if the body is dead!? Cool stupid question ...[<small>bearbeiten</small>]
Da musst du Any Key mal fragen!
8-D: this is an interesting point of view. But isn't it right now out to be in (or in to be out)?
Atreju: Actually I'm not an expert in that special subject. But I think: if being out is IN at present, maybe you're right with your lucid scientific theory, I agree. But tomorrow could being out be OUT again resp suddenly being in will be IN and then you'd be wrong again, wouldn't you?
Dear questioner, the right answer is: it depends.